Femmes et guerres

International Conference Women and War : An International Perspective

17th to the 20th of October, 2011 at Hoa Sen University | 2 Tan Vien Street, Tan Binh District, HCMC

Invitation to an International Conference on Women and War

Hoa Sen University in Ho Chi Minh City is orga­ni­zing an inter­na­tio­nal confe­rence in order to pro­vide a venue for many aca­de­mics, artists, social acti­vists, and war vete­rans from Vietnam and abroad. The pur­pose of the gathe­ring is to have dis­cus­sions and exchange ideas, expe­rien­ces, research metho­do­logy, research approa­ches, his­to­ri­cal mate­rials, war records, and to review movies, music and lite­ra­ture rela­ted to the theme of women and war.

The confe­rence will take place from the 17th to the 20th of October, 2011 at Hoa Sen University at the 02 Tan Vien Street, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh City loca­tion.

During the confe­rence there will be an oppor­tu­nity for par­ti­ci­pants to review research pro­jects, movies and lite­ra­ture about women and war that have been pro­du­ced to date. Participants will also be able to eva­luate various research methods being applied in stu­dying this theme, such as revie­wing his­to­ri­cal records, conduc­ting in-depth inter­views with war vete­rans, and revie­wing lite­ra­ture, movies, and music.

Furthermore, the confe­rence will serve as a place for buil­ding inter­na­tio­nal net­works and exchan­ges bet­ween women in aca­de­mics, social acti­vists, and artists from Vietnam and abroad.

We would like to wel­come you to the confe­rence to become invol­ved in the exchange of ideas and dis­cus­sions on the topic, and we look for­ward to your atten­dance at the confe­rence.


Dr. Bùi Trân Phượng President, Hoa Sen University

How to Register

In order to faci­li­tate our confe­rence pre­pa­ra­tion, please regis­ter to attend by September 15th, 2011, by contac­ting one of the fol­lo­wing plan­ning assis­tants :

Contact :

Ms. Thai thi Ngoc Du : email : ttn­du@­hoa­sen.edu.vn, tel : + 84 918 230 714

Ms. Nguyen Nhat Thieu Anh, email : nntanh@­hoa­sen.edu.vn, tel : +84 8 3830 1877 (ext : 186)

Address : Hoa Sen University, 93 Cao Thang – District 3 – Ho Chi Minh City – Viet Nam

Women and War Workshop – Office C.608 | Tel : +84 8 38301877 (ext. 186) | Fax : + 84 8 - 3830 1878

There are three easy ways to regis­ter :

Register online Register by mail Download our prin­ta­ble PDF regis­tra­tion form and mail to : Ms. Nguyen Nhat Thieu Anh, email : nntanh@­hoa­sen.edu.vn, tel : +84 8 38301877 (ext.186) Register by fax Download our prin­ta­ble PDF regis­tra­tion form and fax to Hoa Sen University 93 Cao Thang, Dist. 3, Ho Chi Minh City, VN, Office C608 | Tel :+84 8 38301877ext.143 | Fax :+84 8 3830 1878

Women & War Website [Hoa Sen]