Femmes et guerres

Profits from Tears : Labor Trafficking by an Electronics Giant

bpsos - 22/07/2009 - 9:46 - English Subtitles

This video docu­ments an inter­view with two of the 15 wor­kers, all women, recrui­ted from Vietnam to work at Sony plants in Malaysia. Constantly facing hunger, they have been forced to work for the past six months with little or no pay. Parties invol­ved : Sony as employer, JR Holdings as Malaysian broker, and four Vietnamese labor export com­pa­nies. Coalition to Abolish Modern-day Slavery in Asia (CAMSA) has laun­ched a public cam­paign to get Sony to accept its res­pon­si­bi­lity towards these wor­kers.

Human Trafficking : Winbond’s plan to repa­triate wit­ne­sess fizz­led

bpsos - 11/01/2009 - 5:37 - English Subtitles

Coalition to Abolish Modern-day Slavery in Asia (CAMSA) suc­cess­fully stop­ped a plan by Vietnamese and Malaysian bro­kers to repa­triate key wit­nes­ses in a traf­fi­cking case while their lawyer was still col­lec­ting evi­dence for legal pro­cee­dings.

Vietnamese Domestic Workers Face Exploitation and Abuses

bpsos - 23/11/2008 - 7:20

In late 2007 Vietnam rea­ched agree­ment to send domes­tic wor­kers to Malaysia. Since then, many such wor­kers have become vic­tims of traf­fi­cking. This video tells the story of four Vietnamese women who recently esca­ped to free­dom and safety. While no longer being exploi­ted by their employers and held cap­tive by their Malaysian broker, Winbond, their future remains uncer­tain as their Vietnamese broker, SONA, has refu­sed to bring them home.

Vietnamese wor­kers in Jordan : Story to be told - 2

bpsos - 30/04/2008 - 10:20

176 Vietnamese wor­kers are vic­tims of the Taiwanese-owned W&D Apparel gar­ment fac­tory. They have also been vic­ti­mi­zed by a well-connec­ted and well-run traf­fi­cking syn­di­cate in Vietnam that sent them to Jordan.