Femmes et guerres
© Clark University

Cynthia Enloe is Research Professor of International Development and Women’s Studies at Clark University in Massachusetts, USA. She grew up in New York and recei­ved her PhD from the University of California, Berkeley. She has been inte­res­ted in Vietnamese social dyna­mics for over thirty years and first visi­ted Vietnam to talk with Vietnamese Women’s Studies and Gender scho­lars in 1993. Cynthia has taught and writ­ten about women’s roles in his­tory, cultu­res and eco­no­mies, espe­cially what bar­riers they have faced, how those were jus­ti­fied and how women sought to over­come them. This has led her to explore women as fac­tory and plan­ta­tion wor­kers, as poli­ti­cal par­ti­ci­pants, as sol­diers, and as vic­tims and sur­vi­vors of many wars. She has served on edi­to­rial boards of seven aca­de­mic jour­nals and in 2009 recei­ved an Honorary Doctorate from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) of the University of London. Her twelfth book has just been publi­shed : « Nimo’s War, Emma’s War : Making Feminist Sense of the Iraq War. »

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