Femmes et guerres

Yenny Narny is a lec­tu­rer at the Department of History, Faculty of Letters, Universitas Andalas, Padang.

She is also the Head of Laboratory at the Department of History. She has done some research wor­king toge­ther with the Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Department of Religion, Department of National Education, Lontar Foundation as well as the Netherlands Instutu OorlagDocumentie.

She has been invol­ved in women move­ment in West Sumatera. She recei­ved her Bachelor’s Degree in History from Universitas Andalas and her Master’s Degree, also in History, from the National University in Canberra, Australia. Yenny is one of the reci­pients of Ford Foundation International Fellowships Program.

Short bio


Place and date of birth : SAWAHLUNTO, 18 JUNE 1970 Address : Komplek Jihad II Blok G. No. 1 Simpang Kalumpang Lubuak Buaya Padang Sumatera Barat, Indonesia

Phone : +_61 751 7988536

Email : nar­nyyen­ny@­hot­mail.com

Professional History

1999- now, Lecturer History, Faculty of Letters, Andalas University.

Educational History

1996, S1 (under­gra­duate) History, Faculty of Letters, Andalas

2008 S2 (Graduate, Master of Asian Studies Faculty of Asian Studies, Australian National University Social and Community Involvement 1999 Indonesian Association of Historians (Masyarakat Sejarawan Indonesia) Padang branch, member

2003-2004 Nurani Perempuan (NGO), Padang, West Sumatera, par­ti­ci­pant and spea­ker intheir pro­gram

Présentation des travaux et publications