Femmes et guerres

Ngo Thi Phuong Thien was born in Paris where her parents, ini­tially, were gra­duate stu­dents. For ten years her mother, Mme Ngo Ba Thanh, tra­vel­led across Europe, the United States and Russia lear­ning and lec­tu­ring on Comparative Law, the family fol­lo­wing. They retur­ned to South Vietnam in the early ’60s and soon after, lawyer Ngo Ba Thanh became invol­ved in the peace move­ment which resul­ted in her being in prison and under house arrest for much of the decade lea­ding up to uni­fi­ca­tion of the coun­try – with conco­mi­tant dis­rup­tion for the family.

Thien, a Senior Lecturer in Cultural Studies, gra­dua­ted from the University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University, where she com­men­ced her career with the depart­ment of English Literature & Linguistics. She has held a variety of posts during her 30 years there, inclu­ding Vice and Acting Dean of the Department of British Literature & Linguistics (1988-92) and has publi­shed text­books on English and American Cultural Studies. Thien has a Post gra­duate diploma from Canberra University (Australia) and a Master’s degree from Warwick University (UK).

Thien was a par­ti­ci­pant in the first joint American Studies Conference since 1975 orga­ni­zed by lea­ding American and Vietnamese scho­lars in Hanoi in 1999 and the youn­gest edu­ca­tion dele­gate at the Vietnam Conferences in Washington D.C. in 1994. Since then, she has pre­sen­ted count­less papers at semi­nars and confe­ren­ces in Vietnam and abroad (inclu­ding Korea, Japan, US, Thailand, Malaysia), on issues rela­ted to edu­ca­tion, lan­guage tea­ching, Vietnam stu­dies, Gender issues and world cultu­ral stu­dies. Students under her direc­tion won a natio­nal prize from the Ministry of Education and Training in 2004. She was also awar­ded fif­teen ‘Excellent Lecturer’ cer­ti­fi­ca­tes and a medal for 25 years of outs­tan­ding contri­bu­tion to edu­ca­tion.