Femmes et guerres

Current : Professor of English, Asst to the President and DIrector, Global Education Partnerships (GEP) with Partnerships in Viet Nam, China, and Belize


Dean of the Language Arts Division, Interim Vice President of Instruction, Asst to the President, De Anza College (25,000 stu­dents)

Supervised 300 employees inclu­ding 230 faculty in eight depart­ments with seven labo­ra­to­ries. Manage budget of $9 mil­lion annually and 870 clas­ses/year. Ensure excel­lence in tea­ching, in cur­ri­cu­lum, and in stu­dent sup­port pro­grams inclu­ding Campus Abroad. As Interim VP of Instruction, super­vi­sed 11 divi­sions, 950 faculty. As Asst to the President, esta­bli­shed Global Education Partnerships pro­gram and suc­cess­fully accom­pli­shed deve­lop­men­tal/fun­drai­sing acti­vi­ties.


Professor of English and Instructor of Business and Speech, De Anza College

Designed and taught clas­ses. Served as President of Faculty Academic Senate. Taught on Campus Abroad pro­grams to Paris, Saigon, London and Viet Nam. Trained hun­dreds of faculty in col­la­bo­ra­tive lear­ning tech­ni­ques and tea­ching with tech­no­logy. Received the Innovator of the Year award. Awarded excel­lence in tea­ching awards. Concurrently served as Principal of Academy Business Consultants spe­cia­li­zing in online mar­ke­ting and trai­ning for a variety of clients, both cor­po­rate and govern­ment.


Film Producer Belvoir Film Productions, Academy Business Consultants

Conceived, wrote, mar­ke­ted, and co-pro­du­ced $21M Hollywood fea­ture film, FIRE BIRDS, with Nicolas Cage, Tommy Lee Jones, and Sean Young.


Corporate TrainerPerformance Dynamics Group, Academy Business Consultants

Marketed and deve­lo­ped cor­po­rate trai­ning for Silicon Valley com­pa­nies as a part­ner in Performance Dynamics Group.


Vice President of Sales and Marketing and National Sales Manager Loadmaster Systems Inc.

Took the com­pany, spe­cia­li­zing in repair and main­te­nance of uti­lity poles and under­ground sys­tems, from 7 employees to 70, and sales from $180K to $4.2M.


Sales Consultant and General Sales Manager Autohaus Brugger (Autobahn Motors) Mercedes-Benz

Increased market share and pro­fits of Redwood City, CA loca­tion through crea­tive finan­cing in part­ner­ship with banks and other len­ding ins­ti­tu­tions, aggres­sive mar­ke­ting, effec­tive trai­ning, and close mana­ge­ment.


Commander (Chief Executive Officer) Los Angeles Recruiting Batallion

Supervised the work of over 300 Army Recruiters and sup­por­ted their acti­vi­ties and fami­lies. Orchestrated a com­plete tur­na­round of a losing orga­ni­za­tion that had not made its monthly sales/recrui­ting mis­sion in 23 months prior to my lea­der­ship. Conducted exten­sive mar­ke­ting work with the Los Angeles Raiders. Supervised liai­son with LA Unified School District, Colleges, and city govern­ment.

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